
(Dana P.) #1
implemented at several places. Basically a single
queue may suffice for each link, being served
according to a first-in-first-out discipline.

As also shown, a separation between forwarding
and routingis made; routing referring to ex-
changes of routing information (by routing pro-
tocols) to set up routing tables, and forwarding
referring to sending packets on according to the
information in the routing tables.

The traffic flows carried by the node may have
different characteristics, e.g. in terms of packet
lengths, bit rates, use of transport protocols, and
so forth. Combining all these in the same buffer
and on the same link may pose additional chal-
lenges, as described in several accompanying
papers in this issue of Telektronikk. Hence, other
service models – Differentiated Services and
Integrated Services – have been defined, as
treated in the following chapters.

4 Differentiated Services

Differentiated Services (DiffServ) is promoted
as a service architecture supporting a scalable
way to achieve relative service and QoS levels in
an IP network. DiffServ operates on aggregated
flows by dividing the traffic flows into a set of
classes. The DiffServ architecture is defined in
[RFC2475], see Figure 16.

This is to support multiple traffic flows between
the same sender and receiver(s) allowing the
application to adapt to congestion. A framework
is stretched out in that document, integrating con-
gestion management for all types of applications
and transport protocols. This is done by main-
taining parameters reflecting the network condi-
tion, like throughput, round-trip delay, etc. and
making this information accessible from the app-
lications through an API as shown in Figure 14.

The main components, as depicted, are the API,
the congestion controller and the scheduler. The
congestion controller adjusts transmission rates
based on estimates of the network condition,
which is obtained from the applications (via the
API). The scheduler divides the bandwidth
amongst the different traffic flows

3 Best-Effort

From the outset a single class of serving IP
packets was present. At the same time this was
referred to as best-effort, implying that each
node along the path was doing its best to trans-
port the packet towards its destination. A fairly
simple router implementation may then be ade-
quate as schematically depicted in Figure 15.

Packets entering the router are to be forwarded
to the output link. Buffers (queues) may be

Figure 14 Framework for
congestion manager, adapted
from [ID_cm]

Figure 15 Schematic
illustration of router
for best effort









input output


user data
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