Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1
■CautionYou may not use a bean definition’sidattribute to specify URL paths, because the XML specifi-
cation forbids the/character in XMLids. You can, however, have both anidattribute and a name
attribute on a single bean definition.

Path Components
Now how does that mapping translate to a full URI used by a client? Many paths are at work
here, including the web application’s context path, the servlet’s mapped path, and then this
Controller’s mapped path. How are they all combined and parsed when mapping a request
to a handler?
By default, the path provided in the bean definition is inside the servlet’s URL path. The
servlet, in this case, is the DispatcherServletthat is declared and configured in the web.xml.
For example, in Listing 5-8 we have mapped the DispatcherServletto handle all requests for

Listing 5-8.Example DispatcherServlet Configuration



Therefore, to access the HomeController with a bean name of/home, a client must use the
following full URI: In this case, servletcontext
is the name of the servlet context this application is currently deployed to.
The default behavior, to be relative to the servlet mapping, is useful and preferable
because it is decoupled from the URL pattern used to map the DispatcherServlet(in this
case, /app/*). If the pattern changes, the bean name mappings do not need to change.
If you wish to write bean name mappings that include the servlet path mapping, you may
do so by setting alwaysUseFullPathto trueon an instance of BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping. To
do this, simply declare an instance of BeanNameUrlHandlerMappingin your ApplicationContext.
See Listing 5-9.


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