Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1
The org.springframework.web.servlet.LocaleResolveris a Strategy interface for retrieving
and setting a java.util.Localeduring a web request. The Gang of Four, authors of Design
Patterns(Addison Wesley, 1995), write this of the Strategy pattern: “Define a family of algo-
rithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm
vary independently from clients that use it.”

■Tip The Strategy pattern is heavily implemented within the Spring Framework. One of the reasons this
pattern is preferred is because class inheritance is generally avoided as a means to share behavior. The
Strategy pattern allows you to share behavior much more easily.

The LocaleResolverdefines the contract of Localeresolution and modification. It leaves
the details of these methods up to implementations. Most importantly, the implementations
can be exchanged freely without affecting the system.
The Localeis mostly used when the application needs to display translated text for the
user interface, although it is also useful for formatting numbers and currencies. It assists the
general internationalization (i18n) features of the Java platform (
books/tutorial/i18n) and Spring MVC for providing language and culture independent appli-
cations. You will see many examples of this in Chapter 7, which covers user interface options.
For now, it’s important to know that the Localeis set per user and intended to be accessible to
both the work flow and the user interface.
By default, generic Java web applications will respect the Accept-Language (http://www.w3.
org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4) header of a HTTP request. The servlet
container will map the languages specified in the header into Localeobjects and set the pri-
mary choice as the chosen Locale.

■Tip For more information on how Java web applications handle this header, see section 4.8 of the
Servlet 2.4 Specification (
or HttpServletRequest’s getLocale()andgetLocales()methods.

Many applications, however, require more control when selecting the user’s Localeor
modifying it. This strategy interface allows you to customize where the Localeinformation
comes from and how to change it. First, let’s look at the LocaleResolverinterface, shown in
Listing 5-29 and Figure 5-2.


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