Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1

Listing 6-22.MultiTypeCommandBean Class

public class MultiTypeCommandBean {

private int intProperty;
private Integer integerProperty;
private Class classProperty;
private URL urlProperty;

public Class getClassProperty() {
return classProperty;
public void setClassProperty(Class classProperty) {
this.classProperty = classProperty;
public Integer getIntegerProperty() {
return integerProperty;
public void setIntegerProperty(Integer integerProperty) {
this.integerProperty = integerProperty;
public int getIntProperty() {
return intProperty;
public void setIntProperty(int intProperty) {
this.intProperty = intProperty;
public URL getUrlProperty() {
return urlProperty;
public void setUrlProperty(URL urlProperty) {
this.urlProperty = urlProperty;

Using the command bean in Listing 6-22, we have four different properties, each of differ-
ent types, including intProperty, which is a primitive.
We are simulating the following form, shown in Listing 6-23, with the unit test. Note that
input fields for the HTML form are handled like regular text inputs. The actual conversion
happens inside the DataBinder.

Listing 6-23.MultiTypeCommandBean HTML Form

Int Property:

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