Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1
The MultiActionControllerhas the following capabilities:

  • flexible action method mapping, defaulting to URL to method name mapping

  • command bean binding

  • support for one or more Validators

  • per-action “last modified” timestamp control

•exception handling

■CautionEven though this Controllersupports Validators and command bean binding, it does not
define a form handling work flow.

On initialization, this class searches all of its methods for any that conform to the request
handler signature. Any method that will handle a request must conform to the following

•returns ModelAndView

  • accepts an HttpServletRequestas a first parameter

  • accepts an HttpServletResponseas a second parameter

  • optionally, accept either an HttpSessionor an Object(to be treated as the command
    bean) as a third parameter

■NoteThe name of the method does not matter when locating potential request handling methods.

Listing 6-55 contains a simple MultiActionControllerwith three different but valid
request handling methods.

Listing 6-55.Example Request Handling Method Signature

public class MyMultiController extends MultiActionController {
public ModelAndView doStuff(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) { ... }

public ModelAndView doOtherStuff(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res, HttpSession session) { ... }

public ModelAndView doStuff(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res, CommandBean command) { ... }

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