Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1
Adapter design pattern, 84
addition( ) method, 290
Address class, 266
AddressValidator, 280
addRows( ) method, 383
afterCompletion method, interceptor life
cycle points, 197
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and
DWR. See alsoDWR (Direct Web
AlterCaseFunction, 275
ampersands (&), 231
Anemic Domain Model, 31
Ant syntax, 374
Ant task, 373
AOP (aspect-oriented programming), 8, 22
Apache Formatting Objects Processor (FOP)
driver, 257
apostrophes ('), 231
Application (servlet scope), 309
application architecture, 21. See alsolayers
ApplicationContext class, 30, 49, 55, 58–60,
277–278, 304, 306–307, 378–379
ApplicationContextAware class, 277
applyBeanPropertyValues( ) method,
AutoWireCapableBeanFactory class,
arrays, binding to, 131
aspect-oriented programming (AOP), 8, 22
assertEquals( ) method, 285
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax)
and DWR. See alsoDWR (Direct
Web Remoting)
attribute mappings
AttributeMappers, 342
custom AttributeMappers, 343
example, 342
overview, 341
attribute-mapper fragment, 341
AttributeMapper interface, 341–342, 343
<attribute-mapper> element, 341
autowireBeanProperties( ) method,
interface, 35
AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface, 33

BaseCommandController class, 122–123,
126, 199
bean attribute, 343
bean definition, 119, 160
Bean Scripting Framework, 379
controlling output, 374–375
installing and building, 372
other options, 374
overview, 371–372

running on configuration files, 373–374
beandocProps attribute, 374
BeanFactory class, 153, 175, 313, 379
BeanFactoryAware interface, 277
BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping class, 87–88,
90, 198
BeanNameViewResolver interface, 210
BeanWrapper class, 124
BeanWrapperImpl class, 126, 136
beginOn property, 44
beginSearch.vm template, 242
BETWEEN <value> AND <value> operator,
Valang, 269
BigDecimal data type, 44
bind( ) method, 126, 360
bind template macro, for Velocity and
FreeMarker, 243
<bind> tag, 229
bindAndValidate( ) method, formAction
class, 322, 361, FormAction
binding, 221
binding form to bean
binding to collections
binding to arrays, 131
binding to lists, 129–131
binding to maps, 132–133
binding to sets, 133–135
overview, 129
controlling which fields are bound,
custom PropertyEditors, 142–145
nested properties, 127–128
non-default PropertyEditors, 139–142
non-string properties, 135–138
overview, 124–127
rudimentary validation, 146–148
bindOnNewForm property, 152
bindOnNewForm property,
SimpleFormController class, 150
BindStatus class, 228
bornOn property, 155
Bruno Lowagie's iText library, 256
buildExcelDocument( ) method, 259
buildPdfDocument( ) method, 256
build.xml file, 373
business logic, and flows, 335–336
ByteArrayPropertyEditor propertyeditor, 136

cacheSeconds property, 120, 278
calling flow, 337
Cancel, state changes, 177
CancelAccountController class, 194
chaining, 213
CharacterEditor propertyeditor, 136
check box submissions, 230–231
child flow, 337

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