displaying model, 225–227
exposing model as request attributes,
HTML escaping, 231–232
nested paths, 229–230
note on check box submissions,
overview, 228–229
tagfiles, 232
JSP tag libraries, 227
overview, 223–224
JSP files, 183–190
JSP Standard Tag Library ( JSTL).
JSTL ( JSP Standard Tag Library).
JUnit library, 285
Last-Modified header, 121
lastName property, 282
launch( ) method, FlowExecutionManager
class, 346
data access layer, 37–38
dependencies, 36–37
overview, 35–36
domain model layer
dependencies, 32
dependency injection for domain
model, 33–35
overview, 31–32
Spring's support for, 32
Java interface as layer contract, 23–24
layer isolation, 23
overview, 21–24
service layer
dependencies, 30
example, 29–30
overview, 28–29
Spring's support for, 30
vs. tiers, 21
user interface layer
dependencies, 26
overview, 24–25
web layer, 28
dependencies, 28
overview, 26–27
LDAP-compliant directory, 36
len function, Valang, 274
length function, Valang, 274
LinkedHashSet class, 133
<listener> element, 59
<listener-class> element, 59
lists, binding to, 129–131
loadFoo( ) method, 293
LocalBeanInvokingAction class, 362
Locale Aware, 78
Locale parameter, 247
Locale Resolution, 218–219
LocaleEditor property editor, 105, 136
LocaleResolver, 218
AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver, 104
CookieLocaleResolver, 106
FixedLocaleResolver, 105
overview, 100–102
retrieving, 103–104
SessionLocaleResolver, 106–107
setting Locale, 102–103
LocaleResolver interface, 78, 82, 100, 112, 218
lockAction, 336
logical user conversation, 353
lower function, Valang, 274
>m shift operator, 272
<m shift operator, 272
MailSender instance, 34
MailSender property, 33
Map entries, 271, 357
mapping configurations, 79
mappings property,
SimpleUrlHandlerMapping class, 92
maps, binding to, 132–133
match algorithm, 90
memory footprint, 311
message sources, 278
message template macro, for Velocity and
FreeMarker, 243
MessageFormat, 278
MessageSource bean, 219–220, 247
MessageSource class ApplicationContext file,
messages.properties properties file, 220
messageText template macro, for Velocity
and FreeMarker, 243
MethodNameResolver, 170–171
methodParamNames array, 170–171
methods, coarse grained, 48
mock( ) method, 294
mock implementations, 24
mock objects, 292–293
overview, 292–293
techniques, 293
unit tests with jMock, 293–296
mockAccountDao, 295
MockHttpServletRequest class, 194
MockObjects library, 292
MockObjectTestCase class, 293
model property description, 347
ModelAndView class, 28, 53, 55, 57, 63, 69,
163, 180, 207–208, 209
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