Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1
states, 318
transitions, 318
business logic and flows, 335–336
Repository, 358
and conversation scope, 310–313
different scopes, 316
exception handling
overview, 367–368
state scoped ExceptionHandlers, 369
flow granularity
inline flows, 343–345
overview, 337
subflows, 337–343
FlowExecution repositories
continuations, 354–355
conversation invalidation after
completion, 358
implementations, 356
overview, 353
stateful, 356–357
stateless, 357
inside Spring Web Flow system, 315
managing FlowExecutions
FlowExecutionListener, 351–353
FlowExecutionManager, 347–348
FlowSessions, 349–350
integration with web frameworks,
overview, 346, 348–349
RequestContext, 350–351
overview, 309–310, 335
Purchase Product use case
Action Bean definitions, 322–324
action states, 327–328
actions, 321–322
additional configuration, 331
decision states, 326–327
end states, 328–329
extending AbstractFlowExecutionTests,
flow definition, 320
FlowController, 330
FlowRegistry, 330–331
installing Spring Web Flow, 319
launching flow from browser, 332–333
overview, 319
proposed Flow directory structure, 319
Spring MVC deployment, 330
testing flow execution, 324
transitions, 320–321
view states, 320
view template requirements, 331–332
view template resolution, 331
states and transitions
action states, 359–361

customizing view selection with view
states and end states, 363–365
decision states, 365–366
exposing POJO method return values,
overview, 358–359
POJO actions, 362
spring-beandoc directory, 372
spring-beandoc.jar file, 373
SpringBind macros, 241–247
<spring:bind> tag, 70, 157, 183, 227–228, 241
spring:escapeBody, Spring JSP tag, 227
spring:hasBindErrors, Spring JSP tag, 227
<spring:hasBindErrors> tag, 183, 186
spring:htmlEscape, Spring JSP tag, 227, 232
spring.jar file, 373
spring:message, Spring JSP tag, 227
<spring:message> tag, 183, 187
spring-mock.jar file, 297
spring:nestedPath, Spring JSP tag, 227
<spring:nestedPath> tag, 70, 190–191,
spring-servlet.xml file, 165, 167
spring:theme, Spring JSP tag, 216, 227
spring:transform, Spring JSP tag, 227
SqlQueryForIntFunction function, 276
square brackets ([ and ]), 271
StateExceptionHandler interface, 367–368
stateful FlowExecution repositories
overview, 356
SimpleFlowExecutionRepository, 357
stateless FlowExecution repositories
Repository, 357–358
overview, 357
stateless method, 116
states, Spring Web Flow, 318
states and transitions
action states
chain of responsibility, 359–360
FormAction, 360–361
overview, 359
customizing view selection with view
states and end states
indicating transitions, 364–365
overview, 363–364
decision states, 365–366
exposing POJO method return values, 363
overview, 358–359
POJO actions, 362
static attribute, 207
status.errorMessages field, 242
status.expression variable, 72
status.value variable, 72
storeOwner( ) method, 386

■INDEX 401

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