Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1
BeanFactory beanFactory = new XmlBeanFactory(
new ClassPathResource("chapter3.xml"));

Account account = new Account();
account.setEmail("[email protected]");

account, "accountPrototype");



The code in Listing 3-5 uses the applyBeanPropertyValues()method on AutowireCapable-
BeanFactoryto apply a bean definition’s properties to an existing bean. We are linking the
accountPrototypebean definition from the XML file to the account instance. The activate()
method now will work, because the Accountobject has its MailSenderdependency.
The AutowireCapableBeanFactoryinterface also defines an autowireBeanProperties()
method if you don’t want to specify an abstract bean definition. This method will use an
autowire strategy of your choice to satisfy any dependencies of the object.
Although this is a good example, most applications aren’t quite this simple. The biggest
issue will be the account instance, as it will most likely come from the database. Depending on
what persistence mechanism you choose, you will want to see if it’s possible to intercept the
object after it is loaded from the database, but before it is sent back into the application. You
can then apply this technique to inject the object with any extra dependencies.

■Tip If you are using Hibernate, there is a DependencyInjectionInterceptorFactoryBeanin Spring’s
sandbox that will wire objects loaded from Hibernate automatically. It provides a very nice way to transpar-
ently inject dependencies into your Hibernate objects as they come out of persistence. You can find this class
in the org.springframework.orm.hibernate.supportpackage.

Using this technique, you can build a very strong domain model that can support com-
plex business logic. Be careful what you inject into your domain model; you don’t want to
increase the amount of dependencies the domain model has. For example, the domain model
shouldn’t know anything about the persistence layer. Let the service layer handle that coordi-
nation. You should only be injecting objects that help to implement business logic and rules.

Data Access Layer

The data access layer is responsible for interfacing with the persistence mechanism to store
and retrieve instances of the object model. The typical CRUD methods are implemented by
this layer.

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