European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1

Design philosophy
The landscape architecture practice of Axel Lohrer
and Ursula Hochrein started in 1993. They are one
of the best-known and most successful young
landscape offices in Germany. They define their
philosophy in the following way:

We deal with open spaces, preferably the
opposing relationship between urban density
and open landscape. Whether in an open dia-
logue, in interdisciplinary teams, in competi-
tions or as jury members, we search for the
essential and unique aspects of a place as the
basis for our own design work.

Evolving from the place, its history, its poten-
tial, and according to the given task, we
develop an individual landscape architectural
language, along with simple and flexible solu-
tions to meet the project’s demands.

From the first idea onwards, we are commit-
ted to seeing that our philosophy is carried
through from the large-scale urban planning
concept into detail design and construction. It
is standard for us to project-manage all levels
of the German planning guidelines (HOAI),
demand high-quality craftsmanship, efficiency
and cost management from conception to

The new cemetery in Munich Riem is representa-
tive of this philosophy. A unique and unmistakable
place has been created. Thoughtful consideration
was given to maintaining the individuality of the
existing extensive dry and oligotrophic grasslands
within the very urban setting of the trade fair area
and its large roadways. The place is distinguished by
the interaction of function, design, materials, colour
and plants, all of which serve to further enhance the
place’s individual character, while integrating with
the Landscape Park Riem.
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