European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1

The influence of the global ecological crisis is of
critical importance both in architecture and land-
scape architecture. On the one hand we have mere
lip-service to ecological thinking, but on the other,
we have the radical assertions of the ‘ecological
approach’. The organic direction, which makes refer-
ence to Goethe’s theories and to Rudolf Steiner’s
anthroposophy, is more and more characteristic and
popular among professionals and creates a proper
intellectual context for the creation of landscape
architecture. The turn toward rural areas and villages
is logical, but not necessarily new. Traditional rural
architectural features have become popular among
those who intend to leave the cities temporarily
or permanently. They are motivated by the wish to
change their lifestyles, perhaps because of snob-
bism, perhaps because they are bored with the way
of life in cities.

Alongside all of these tendencies are to be found,
of course, ‘modern’ approaches and ideas, reflect-
ing those of an older generation. It is interesting
that ‘neo-modernism’ has become quite popular
among younger designers with extremely sleek,
hard ornamental elements and high-tech build-
ing materials and technologies. Also, to a certain
extent, the effect of an old-fashioned, almost for-
gotten, fine arts tradition can be recognised in our
landscape architecture, including the influence of
landscape art and minimalism.

The two landscape architecture projects chosen as
case studies represent two very different creations
in terms of style, philosophy and environment.
One is a typical urban open space which – relative
to Hungarian conditions – is a trendy, neo-modern
masterpiece of the younger generation, developed
under the influence of the French geometric style.
The other is the garden of a rural guest-house, man-
aged by an entrepreneur who has moved from the
city to the countryside. In the case of this garden,
the landscape designer’s remarkable achievements
have aroused the owner’s sensitivity towards the
rural landscape and its traditions and towards the
interrelationship between humans and the environ-

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