European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1
Daniaparken, Malmö

raised, protecting wall along one of the sides were
to have a covering of tarred wood. The paving of
the upper platform as well as the terraced slope
were to be paved with flame-finished granite slabs.
The framing wall at the back, towards the gravelled
walk, was supposed to have a concrete body with
a façade of rough-surfaced granite slabs. The final
construction was made with the terraced slope in
cast concrete with a brushed surface. The risers
have a hardwood edge (azobe) chosen because it
is so much more durable than any domestic timber.
The wing wall along the northern side is a solid cast
concrete construction with a smooth surface.

The grading of the tilted terraced slope is designed
to have water overflowing the lower parts, even
in periods of low water. In the Öresund there are

no tides, but the average water level fluctuates
over the seasons and as a result of wind direc-
tion. Normally the water reaches the third or fourth
step. This has resulted in a growth of seaweed
that makes the steps very slippery. Accidents have
occurred in connection with bathing. The municipal
park department are testing different non-slip mate-
rials to prevent future accidents.

The paving on the upper platform is granite, fol-
lowing the original intention. This part is elevated
by two to three steps above the gravelled walk.
That means you go up on to the Scout and then
down to the water. This increases the form and
identity of the Scout as a separate element in the
overall design of the park. The wall at the back
was not built as intended, but is a skilfully cut
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