European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1

top soil, which could be described as a common
standard for the size of trees and the kind of urban
environment. The cause of the failure has not been
entirely investigated, but the trees will be replaced
by others of the same species, mainly whitebeam
(Sorbus aria).

In the early proposal for the competition the site
could be characterised by phrases like ‘wide sky’,
‘extended horizon’, ‘long vistas’, ‘stone boulders’.
This character remains on site, but in a refined form.
To describe what is on site today you could add
words like ‘modern urbanity’, ‘public urban space’
and ‘swarming city life’. The latter, which is not typi-

cally Swedish, would be an apt description of the
site as it now appears from spring until autumn; for
the rest of the year it is desolate, a more typically
Swedish characteristic!

With Daniaparken, Malmö has consolidated its posi-
tion as the leading city of Sweden in terms of impres-
sive parks. It has done this with a park that is able
to attract the younger generations of inhabitants and
accommodate their activities, even though the design
of the park adapts to the Swedish and Scandinavian
traditions on landscape architecture and has a univer-
sal applicability in use and materials.

Trees along the upper east promenade
Herbaceous garden

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