European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1
United Kingdom

are formed from 8mm-thick stainless steel plate cut
using the Plasma arc process. Each flight and each
landing had to be individually produced because
the radius of the spiral varied along its length. The
staircase is a considerable work of craftsmanship in
its own right.

The Blue Carpet was not a routine piece of environ-
mental improvement. In order to attract funding, it
was promoted as a piece of public art. During the
lengthy period of technical innovation it was hyped
relentlessly. When it was finally revealed to the
public, there was an initial sense of anti-climax. As
Heatherwick observes wryly, β€˜It was just before
the Gateshead Millennium Bridge went up. We
worked as hard on the Blue Carpet as they did on
that, but how exciting can paving ever be? People
are inspired by things that soar up in the air.’^4 It is
hard to deny this psychological insight, yet it does
not seem a good reason to give up on paving. It is
just because paving is such a ubiquitous material
that we should care about it more, and worry as
much about its aesthetic qualities as its durability
or safety. Nevertheless it seems to be a simple fact
that by nature we get more excited about bridges
and skyscrapers than we do about the ground
beneath our feet.

Some commentators complained that the Blue
Carpet was actually not that blue. It is certainly not
turquoise or azure, but when compared with other
paving materials it is undeniably blue. Indeed, it
might be argued that if it were a stronger colour
it would be too dominant for the urban scene. It is
blue enough. Heatherwick contents himself with
the knowledge that it is as blue as he could possibly
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