21 Personal communication, Ursula Hochrein,
22 Birgit Welsch, unpublished thesis.
23 Birgit Welsch, unpublished thesis.
24 Personal communication, Ursula Hochrein,
25 Birgit Welsch, unpublished thesis.
26 Personal communication, Ursula Hochrein,
27 Personal communication, Ursula Hochrein,
28 Birgit Welsch, unpublished thesis.
29 Personal communication, Ursula Hochrein,
30 Personal communication, Ursula Hochrein,
31 Lisa Diedrich (2000) ‘Inseln in der Schotterebene’
(Islands in the rubble plain), Garten und
Landschaft1: 15–17.
1 Interview with the designer.
2 The square in front of the cathedral, the under-
ground car park and the new pavement were
built in 2003. The promenade is not finished
at the time of writing. When complete, traffic
will be restricted on the promenade, which will
connect the eastern part of the city (mainly
commercial and recreational) with the city cen-
tre (mainly institutional and administrative).
3 ‘Gödör’ = hole.
4 The key dates are: 1789: building of Morocco
Court; 1947: building of the bus terminal;
1998: start of the building of the National
Theatre; 2001: beginning of the new institute
and open space.
5 A few years ago Hungary adopted a standard
stating that no public spaces or buildings
should be built without taking into considera-
tion the needs of people with disabilities.
1 G. Ericsson (1999) ‘Program för parallella
uppdrag’, unpublished, Malmö, p. 3.
2 FFNS Architects (2001) ‘Årets Project 2001:
Daniaparken’, unpublished.
3 Marc Treib (2002) ‘Designed restraint: the
urban landscapes of Thorbjörn Andersson’, in
T Andersson (ed.)Places. platser, Stockholm:
AB Svensk Byggtjänst.
4 T. Andersson (ed.) (2002) Places. platser,
Stockholm: AB Svensk Byggtjänst, p. 30.
5 T. Andersson,Places. platser,p. 27.
6 T. Andersson,Places. platser,p. 27.
7 T. Andersson,Places. platser,p. 27.
8 T. Andersson,Places. platser,p. 45.
The United Kingdom
1 Interview transcript.
2 Interview transcript.