glass panels, sandblasted (photo), 144
the Hole, 140, 147; foyer leading to
conference and exhibition hall (photo),
142 ; steps to (photos), 145
landscape masterplan, 137
lawns, 144, 151–2
maintenance problems, 151
materials, 144–7
paving, 144–7
pier, 143; as sun terrace (photo), 145
plans: overall context, 138 ; public park in
1873, 139
planting, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147
pool, ornamental, 141, 143; plan and steps
to the Hole, 148–9
project data and overview, 135
project history, 136–8
promenade, 140, 143, 147; outer
promenade (photo), 144
roof garden, 142
seating areas, 147
terraces, 143; plan, 146 ; and steps to
Hole (photo), 145
water features, 143–4, 147
wheelchair/pushchair access, 151
Ferrater, Carlos, 185
see also Jardí Botànic de Barcelona
Figueras, Bet, 185
see also Jardí Botànic de Barcelona
Firka Architect Studio Ltd, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
landscape architecture, 67–8
see also Bay of Somme motorway service
Francis, Mark, 6
Garden of Somogy
barbecues and outdoor cooking facilities,
128, 131
Bonnya village, 123–6
design development, 128–33
design philosophy, 126–7
evaluation, 134
fruit garden, 131; view from (photo), 123
Garden of Eden concept, 127
gates, entrance: ‘female’ details, 130 ;
‘female’ (photo), 131 ; ‘male’ and
‘female’ (elevation), 130 ; ‘male’
(photo), 131
guest house, and stables, view from
meadow (photo), 134
health and fitness centre, 128
materials, 133
plan, of garden, 124–5
planting: fruit garden, 132–3; herb garden,
project data and overview, 122
project history, 123–6
retaining walls: photo, 129 ; plan and
section, 129
swimming pool, 128
terraces, 131; retaining walls (photos), 129 ;
retaining walls (plan and section), 129
Gasworks Park, Seattle, 5
Gateshead Millennium Bridge, 250, 251
General Post Office, Dublin
see GPO Plaza, Dublin
landscape architecture, 81–2
see also Landscape Park, Riem; New
Cemetery, Riem
GPO Plaza, Dublin
cycle lanes, 61
design philosophy, 60
evaluation, 64–6
kerb and carriageway paving (photo), 62
lighting column (photo), 63
O’Connell monument, 57
O’Connell Street Improvement Scheme, 58;
Phase 1 (plan), 59
paving, 61–2, 64–6; kerb and carriageway
(photo), 62 ; pink granite, 64 ; spot
stone (photo), 61
pedestrian areas, 61; with pleached trees
(photo), 65
planting, 62; pleached trees (photo), 65
project data and overview, 57
project history, 58