canal quay, under construction, 165
Doesburg Panorama observation tower, 159
grandstand steps, 159, 164; photo, 164
housing, 162, 167
lighting, 165
lower quay, materials (photo), 160
paving, 160–2, 164, 165
planting, 159, 160, 162, 165–6
promenade, raised level (cross-section), 160
railings, 164
roadways, 165
walls, 163
Ray, Jill, 255, 259
Rees, Ieuan, 254
Rosa Barba European Landscape Award, 235
Sándor, Tamás, 135
see also Erzsébet Square, Budapest
Schmidt, Rainer, 83
see also Landscape Park, Riem
Sheffield, 5
Heart of the City Project, 237–8, 255; early
masterplan, 253
Sheffield City Council, 252
see also Peace Gardens, Sheffield
SIAC Ltd, 48
Skelton, Andrew, 254
Smithfield, Dublin
braziers, gas, 52, 53, 56; photo, 48
design development, 52–3
design philosophy, 49
at dusk (photo), 53
EU funding, 48
evaluation, 53–6
ice-rink, temporary, 49
kerb detailing (photo), 55
lighting, 48, 49–52; gas braziers, 48 , 52, 53,
56; masts (diagram and perspective
sketch), 54
paving, 49 ,50–1, 52, 52 ; detail plans, 50–1;
diagonal pattern, 49 ; edge (photo), 49 ;
pedestrian route (photo), 52
pedestrian areas, 49, 52, 53–5; pedestrian
route (photo), 52
project data and overview, 46
project history, 48–9
roadways, 53, 55
site plan, 47
see Bay of Somme motorway service
see Garden of Somogy
Sørensen, C. Th., 9
landscape architecture, 183–4
see also Jardí Botànic de Barcelona
Spire, The
see under GPO Plaza, Dublin
sports and leisure
barbecues and outdoor cooking facilities,
28, 30, 128, 131
basketball pitches, 20, 24
cycle lanes, 61, 174
dog-walking areas, 174, 178
‘hangout’ for young people, 174, 178
health and fitness centres, 128
outdoor entertainment, 141–2
pétanque pitch, 31
picnic areas, 72, 77, 78, 78 , 175
playgrounds, 18, 36 , 36–40, 37 , 38–9, 75 , 76
playing field, 174, 176–8
skateboard rink, 18, 20–4, 21 ,22–3
skating, 20, 21, 49
soccer field, 178, 178
sunbathing, 34–6, 87
swimming, 87, 128, 228
toboggan hill, 97
volleyball pitch, 31
windsurfing, 228
Stahr and Haberland, 83
see also Landscape Park, Riem
Statham, Derek, 261
Steiner, Rudolf, 121
Sweden, 5
landscape architecture, 213–14
see also Daniaparken, Malmö
Szücs, Gábor, 4
see also Garden of Somogy