European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1

the Bay of Somme services the initial concept still
stands strong and the design, as built, has changed
little from the competition proposal. This reflects one
of the strengths of the HYL office; their projects are
always worked out in detail from a very early stage.
The close collaboration between the architect and
the landscape architect from the earliest drawings
stage has been important for the result.

Motorway stopping places are rarely designed with
such careful attention, yet they are visited by large

numbers of people, and provide a great opportunity
for landscape architects to show their skills.

The Bay of Somme service station has become a well-
established attraction for the visitors and local popula-
tion. People in the region are very proud of their natu-
ral landscape and the design of this facility promotes
this in an excellent way. A place which could have
been conceived in a narrowly functional way, as only a
place to buy food or petrol, has become a much more
important asset for both travellers and residents.

Section through the bridge crossing the canal

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