European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1
The Landscape Park, Riem

new quarter and the surrounding environment. The
park acts as a green corridor for Munich, ensuring a
fresh air supply into the city. The 6.6ha of photovol-
taic cells on the roofs of the trade-fair halls are the
largest installations of their kind in the world.^8

The range of tasks and problems encountered in
contemporary landscape architecture is very clear in
the new city quarter of Munich–Riem, which is why
this project was chosen to demonstrate ‘best prac-
tice’ in its broadest sense. The following aspects
will be considered:

landscape architecture as an essential part of
sustainable ecological urban development;
parks and green spaces as an important and
distinctive component within a new urban quar-
ter (the landscape park);
the temporary event becoming ever more
prominent as a new dimension of urban and
landscape design (the national garden exhibi-
the creation of a classic type of open space (the
cemetery) that must fulfil the needs of a society
which is becoming increasingly multicultural;
the integration and implementation of various
concepts and designs, created by different
landscape architects from different countries
(urban quarter – landscape park – garden exhi-
bition – cemetery);

the clarity of design, the technical quality and
the ecological compatibility as simultaneously
traditional and modern values of the contempo-
rary building culture (best practice in materials
and design).

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