Make Electronics

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Experiment 12: Joining Two Wires Together

106 Chapter 3


Soldering myths

Myth #1: Soldering is very difficult.
Millions of people have learned how to do it, and statis-
tically, you are unlikely to be less coordinated than all
of them. I have a lifelong problem with a tremor in my
hands that makes it difficult for me to hold small things
steadily. I also get impatient with repetitive detail work.
If I can solder components, almost anyone should be
able to.
Myth #2: Soldering involves poisonous chemicals.
Modern solder contains no lead. You should avoid
inhaling the fumes for prolonged periods, but that also
applies to everyday products such as bleach and paint.
If soldering was a significant health hazard, we should
have seen a high death rate among electronics hobby-
ists decades ago.

Myth #3: Soldering is hazardous.
A soldering iron is less hazardous than the kind of iron
that you might use to iron a shirt, because it delivers
less heat. In fact, in my experience, soldering is safer
than most activities in a typical home or basement
workshop. That doesn’t mean you can be careless!

Soldering alternatives

As recently as the 1950s, connections inside electronic ap-
pliances such as radio sets were still being hand-soldered by
workers on production lines. But the growth of telephone
exchanges created a need for a faster way to make large
numbers of rapid, reliable point-to-point wiring connec-
tions, and “wire wrap” became a viable alternative.
In a wire-wrapped electronics project, components are
mounted on a circuit board that has long, gold-plated,
sharp-cornered square pins sticking out of the rear. Special
silver-plated wire is used, with an inch of insulation stripped
from its ends. A manual or power-driven wire-wrap tool
twirls the end of a wire around one of the pins, applying
sufficient tension to “cold-weld” the soft silver plating of
the wire to the pin. The wrapping process exerts sufficient
pressure to make a very reliable joint, especially as 7 to 9
turns of wire are applied, each turn touching all four corners
of the pin.
During the 1970s and 1980s, this system was adopted by
hobbyists who built their own home computers. A wire-
wrapped circuit board from a hand-built computer is shown
in Figure 3-37. The technique was used by NASA to wire the
computer in the Apollo spacecraft that went to the moon,
but today, wire-wrapping has few commercial applications.
The widespread industrial use of “through-hole” compo-
nents, such as the chips on early desktop computers, en-
couraged development of wave soldering, in which a wave
or waterfall of molten solder is applied to the underside of a

preheated circuit board where chips have been inserted. A
masking technique prevents the solder from sticking where
it isn’t wanted.
Today, surface-mount components (which are significantly
smaller than their through-hole counterparts) are glued to
a circuit board with a solder paste, and the entire assembly
is then heated, melting the paste to create a permanent

Figure 3-37. This picture shows some of the wire-wrapping in
Steve Chamberlin’s custom-built, retro 8-bit CPU and com-
puter. “Back in the day,” connecting such a network of wires
with solder joints would have been unduly time-consuming and
prone to faults. Photo credit: Steve Chamberlin.
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