Make Electronics

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Experiment 19: Learning Logic

186 Chapter 4


Logic   gate    basics
The NAND gate is the most fundamental building block of digital computers,
because (for reasons which I don’t have space to explain here) it enables digital
addition. If you want to explore more try searching online for topics such as
“binary arithmetic” and “half-adder.”
Generally, there are seven types of logic gates:

  • AND

  • NAND

    • OR

    • NOR

      • XOR

      • XNOR

        • NOT

Of the six two-input gates, the XNOR is hardly ever used. The NOT gate has a
single input, and simply gives a negative output when the input is positive or a
positive output when the input is negative. The NOT is more often referred to as
an “Inverter.” The symbols for all seven gates are shown in Figure 4-56.



Logical Inputs

Logical Outputs


Figure 4-56. American symbols for the six types of two-input logic gates, and the
single-input inverter.

I’ve shown the American symbols.
Other symbols have been adopted in
Europe, but the traditional symbols
shown here are the ones that you will
usually find, even being used by Eu-
ropeans. I also show the truth tables,
in Figure 4-57, illustrating the logical
output (high or low) for each pair of
inputs of each type of gate.

Figure 4-55. Ann and Bob attempt to over-
come the limitations of Boolean logic.

Figure 4-57. Inputs and corresponding outputs for the six types of logic gates (note
that the XNOR gate is seldom used). The minus signs indicate low voltage, close
to ground potential. The plus signs indicate higher voltage, close to the positive
potential of the power supply in the circuit. The exact voltages will vary depending
on other components that may be actively connected.
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