Make Electronics

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Experiment 31: One Radio, No Solder, No Power

266 Chapter 5


How radio works

When electrical frequencies are very high, the radiation
they create has enough energy to travel for miles. This is the
principle of radio transmission: A high-frequency voltage is
applied to a broadcasting antenna, relative to the ground.
When I say “ground” in this instance, I literally mean the
planet beneath us. If you set up a receiving antenna, it
can pick up a faint trace of the transmission relative to the
ground—as if the earth is one huge conductor. Actually
the earth is so large and contains so many electrons, it can
function as a common sink, like a gigantic version of the file
cabinet that I suggested you should touch to get rid of static
electricity in your body before touching a CMOS logic chip.
To make a radio transmitter, I could use a 555 timer chip run-
ning at, say, 850 kHz (850,000 cycles per second), and pass
this stream of pulses through an amplifier to a transmission
tower; if you had some way to block out all the other elec-
tromagnetic activity in the air, you could detect my signal
and reamplify it.
This was more or less what Marconi (shown in Figure 5-68)
was doing in 1901, after he had purchased rights to Edison’s
wireless telegraphy patent, although he had to use a primi-
tive spark gap, rather than a 555 timer, to create the oscil-
lations. His transmissions were of limited use, because they
had only two states: on or off. You could send Morse code
messages, and that was all.

Figure 5-68. Marconi, the great pioneer of radio (photograph
from Wikimedia Commons).

Five years later, the first true audio signal was transmitted
by imposing lower audio frequencies on the high-frequency
carrier wave. In other words, the audio signal was “added” to
the carrier frequency, so that the power of the carrier varied
with the peaks and valleys of the audio.
At the receiving end, a very simple combination of a capaci-
tor and a coil detected the carrier frequency out of all the
other noise in the electromagnetic spectrum. The values of
the capacitor and the coil were chosen so that their circuit
would “resonate” at the same frequency as the carrier wave.
Figures 5-69 and 5-70 illustrate these concepts.

Carrier frequency

Audio signal

Amplitude modulation

Figure 5-69. When an audio signal (middle) is combined elec-
tronically with a high carrer frequency (top), the result looks
something like the compound signal at the bottom. In actual-
ity, the carrier frequency would be much higher compared with
the audio frequency, by a radio of perhaps 1,000:1.


Chopped by

Audible earphone
Figure 5-70. When the compound signal is passed through a
diode, only the upper half remains. An earphone cannot react
fast enough to reproduce the high carrier frequency, so it
“rides” the peaks and thus reproduces the audio frequency.

The schematic in Figure 5-71 shows the simple circuit that
you built by wrapping a coil around an empty vitamin
bottle. When a positive pulse was received by the antenna,
it resonated with the antenna and the coil, provided that
the antenna was long enough and the coil was tapped at
the appropriate number of turns.
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