Good Morning, Holy Spirit

(Elliott) #1

wearing down, troubling, even afflicting. Only a person can
become the target of such torments.
A strong wind cannot be quieted, but the Holy Spirit
can: "And He called to me, and spoke to me, saying, 'See,
those... have given rest to My Spirit'" (Zech. 6:8). The
Holy Spirit is a person who responds to your wishes. You
can tell Him to be quiet and He will. But then you run the
risk of grieving Him.
So many times in public meetings, I have seen the Holy
Spirit about to speak and then quieted by some fleshly
manifestation. At such sacred moments I have felt the Holy
Spirit withdrawing.
The Holy Spirit is not a fighter; He's a lover. If you
resist Him, He will just leave. He's not like Satan, who the
Bible says will "flee" from you if you resist him. The Holy
Spirit will not run away in fear, but rather He will leave
your presence with a wounded heart. If He is grieved, He
will gently retreat. If He is quenched, he will quietly depart.
How tragic to think that people would vex or attempt to
quiet such a lovely person. But they do. The Children of
Israel did. And today while he is still longing for our love
and our fellowship, we wound him through our ignorance
and rebellion.
I can still hear Kathryn Kuhlman in Pittsburgh sobbing
with such agony: "Please! Don't wound Him. He's all I've

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