One. But when it comes to our personal relationship and
communication with "God," an understanding of Father,
Son, and Spirit is essential.
Anytime you see God working, you see Him as one
God. But you begin to see some distinction in the way They
think and in the way They act.
For example, when the Jewish people under the Old
Covenant willfully and knowingly sinned in the presence of
the Father, do you recall what happened? Scripture records
that they were either slain or punished.
But Christ the Son dealt differently with those who
knowingly and willfully sinned. Example: Consider the
Pharisees. Did Christ kill them? No! He rebuked them.
You say, "Benny, I always believed that Christ forgave
everyone?" Scripture doesn't record whether Jesus forgave
the Pharisees for their sin. Yet He did forgive the criminal
on the cross when he cried from his heart, "I'm a sinner!"
Don't misunderstand. God the Father did forgive, but
He also killed or punished those who refused to stop
rebelling against Him. God the Son, however, responded in
another manner. Instead of slaying or judging the willful
sinner, He simply rebuked him.
You ask, "But what about the Holy Ghost? What is His
response to a person who knowingly, deliberately sins?" He
reacts differently from even the Father and the Son. The
Spirit does not remove them or rebuke them— He convicts
them and withdraws the power of His presence.
Where Should I Look?
The Trinity, as we see, is composed of three distinct and
unique persons. But you need to understand Their Oneness
—Their unity. It is essential that you recognize that the all-