Good Morning, Holy Spirit

(Elliott) #1


3 "Tradition, Tradition"......................................................

walked into my bedroom, and, as if magnetized, I was
drawn to that big black Bible. It was the only Bible in
our home. Mom and Dad didn't even have one. I had no
idea where it came from, but it had been mine as long as I
could remember.


The pages had hardly been turned since our arrival in
Canada, but now I prayed, "Lord, You've got to show me
what has happened to me today." I opened the Scripture and
began to devour it like a starving man who has just been
given a loaf of bread.
The Holy Spirit became my teacher. I didn't know it at
the time, but that's exactly what miraculously began to
happen. You see, the kids at the prayer meeting didn't say,
"Now here's what the Bible says." They didn't tell me
anything. In fact, they had no idea what had transpired
during the past twenty-four hours. And, of course, I didn't
say a word to my parents.
I began by reading the Gospels. I found myself saying
out loud, "Jesus, come into my heart. Please, Lord Jesus,
come into my heart."
In Scripture after Scripture I saw the plan of salvation
unfolding. It was as if I had never read the Bible before.
Oh, my friend, it was alive. The words bubbled forth from a
spring, and I drank freely from it.

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