Abusing the Internet of Things

(Rick Simeone) #1

scribing incorrect dosages of high or low blood pressure medications, which could have sig-
nificant negative impact on patients’ health.
In addition to monitoring activity, the Health app that comes with the iPhone lets users
create an emergency Medical ID (Figure 8-5) that contains vital information such as known
medical conditions, medications, blood type, and emergency contacts. This information is
available even when the phone is locked so that medical professionals can access it in an

FIGURE 8-5. Emergency Medical ID feature on the iPhone

Such a feature undoubtedly has the potential to help save lives by giving doctors vital
information in the event of emergencies if the patient is unconscious or unable to communi-
cate. But this information can also put people’s lives at risk, if their iPhones are compromised
and the information is purposefully altered. For example, this feature could be abused by

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