Computational Physics - Department of Physics

(Axel Boer) #1

176 6 Linear Algebra

If we multiply the matricesLUwe have
1 0


10 −^201

0 − 1020




10 −^201

1 0


6 =A.

We do not get back the original matrixA!
The solution is pivoting (interchanging rows in this case) around the largest element in a
columnj. Then we are actually decomposing a rowwise permutation of the original matrixA.
The key point to notice is that Eqs. (6.19) and (6.20) are equal except for the case that we
divide byuj jin the latter one. The upper limits are always the samek=j− 1 (=i− 1 ). This
means that we do not have to choose the diagonal elementuj jas the one which happens to
fall along the diagonal in the first instance. Rather, we could promote one of the undivided
li j’s in the columni=j+ 1 ,...Nto become the diagonal ofU. The partial pivoting in Crout’s
or Doolittle’s methods means then that we choose the largestvalue foruj j(the pivot element)
and then do the divisions by that element. Then we need to keeptrack of all permutations
performed. For the above matrixAit would have sufficed to interchange the two rows and
start the LU decomposition with



1 1

0 1



The error which is done in the LU decomposition of ann×nmatrix if no zero pivots are
encountered is given by, see chapter 3.3 of Ref. [28],


|H|≤ 3 (n− 1 )u(|A|+|L||U|)+O(u^2 ),

with|H|being the absolute value of a matrix anduis the error done in representing the
matrix elements of the matrixAas floating points in a machine with a given precisionεM,
viz. every matrix element ofuis
|f l(ai j)−ai j|≤ui j,

with|ui j|≤εMresulting in
|f l(A)−A|≤u|A|.
The programs which perform the above described LU decomposition are called as follows

C++: ludcmp(double∗∗a, int n, int∗indx, double∗d)
Fortran: CALL lu_decompose(a, n, indx, d)
Both the C++ and Fortran 90/95 programs receive as input the matrix to be LU decom-
posed. In C++ this is given by the double pointer **a. Further, both functions need the
size of the matrixn. It returns the variabled, which is± 1 depending on whether we have
an even or odd number of row interchanges, a pointerindxthat records the row permu-
tation which has been effected and the LU decomposed matrix.Note that the original
matrix is destroyed. Cholesky’s Factorization

If the matrixAis real, symmetric and positive definite, then it has a uniquefactorization
(called Cholesky factorization)

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