310 10 Partial Differential Equations
y(i) = u(i) = func(delta_x*i);
// Boundary conditions (zero here)
y(n) = u(n) = u(0) = y(0);
// Matrix A,onlyconstants
a = c = - alpha;
b = 1 + 2*alpha;
// Time iteration
for(int t = 1; t <= tsteps; t++){
// here we solve the tridiagonal linear set of equations,
// see chapter 6
tridag(a, b, c, y, u, n+1);
// boundary conditions
u(0) = 0;
u(n) = 0;
// replace previous time solution with new
for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++){
y(i) = u(i);
// You may consider printing the solution at regular time intervals
.... //printstatements
} //endtime iteration
10.2.3Crank-Nicolson scheme
It is possible to combine the implicit and explicit methods in a slightly more general approach.
Introducing a parameterθ(the so-calledθ-rule) we can set up an equation
ui− 1 ,j+ 1 ui,j+ 1 ui+ 1 ,j+ 1
Fig. 10.2Calculational molecule for the implicit scheme.