The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

(avery) #1


group accounted for approximately 37 percent of the total number of survey

About the Sample Group

There were 19 countries represented in the survey data. The United States,
Canada, and Mexico accounted for 74 percent of the survey respondents,
Europe was the second largest respondee group, followed by Asia, represent-
ing a little less than 5 percent.
We surveyed organizations from virtually all sectors, representing a wide
range of industries, as well as government organizations and nonprofits.
The following is a list of those industries that comprise more than 1 per-
cent of the sample:

•Arts/Entertainment /Recreation
•Communications/Information Technology

  • Mining/Oil /Gas

  • Government Agencies/ Public Administration /Nonprofit
    •Health care/Pharmaceutical

  • Agriculture

The Data

Our analysis of the quantitative data follows. After each question, interpre-
tive comments and perspective are added:

  1. In which of the following areas does your organization currently use
    Respondents indicated that they most frequently use coaching
    for developing leaders when they are facing specific instances of ca-
    reer/life transition, making organizational change, or determining

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