Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach

(Chris Devlin) #1


Copyright © 2011 by Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Skill Checklists for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills:


Giving a Bed Bath (Continued)


  1. Wash, rinse if necessary, and dry the foot. Pay particular
    attention to the areas between toes. Apply appropriate

  2. Repeat Actions 21 and 22 for the other leg and foot.

  3. Make sure patient is covered with bath blanket. Change
    water and washcloth at this point or earlier, if necessary.

  4. Assist patient to prone or side-lying position. Put on
    gloves, if not applied earlier. Position bath blanket and
    towel to expose only the back and buttocks.

  5. Wash, rinse, if necessary, and dry back and buttocks area.
    Pay particular attention to cleansing between gluteal
    folds, and observe for any redness or skin breakdown in
    the sacral area.

  6. If not contraindicated, give patient a backrub, as described
    in Chapter 10. Back massage may be given also after per-
    ineal care. Apply appropriate emollient and/or skin barrier

  7. Raise the side rail. Refill basin with clean water. Discard
    washcloth and towel. Remove gloves and put on clean

  8. Clean perineal area or set patient up so that he or she
    can complete perineal self-care. If the patient is unable,
    lower the side rail and complete perineal care, following
    guidelines in the accompanying Skill Variation. Apply skin
    barrier, as indicated. Raise side rail, remove gloves, and
    perform hand hygiene.

  9. Help patient put on a clean gown and assist with the use of
    other personal toiletries, such as deodorant or cosmetics.

  10. Protect pillow with towel and groom patient’s hair.
    35.When finished, make sure the patient is comfortable, with
    the side rails up and the bed in the lowest position.

  11. Change bed linens, as described in Skills 7-8 and 7-9. Dis-
    pose of soiled linens according to agency policy. Remove
    gloves and any other PPE, if used. Perform hand hygiene.

ExcellentSatisfactoryNeeds Practice

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