Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1
Governance of Strategies to Manage Organizational Knowledge 85

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The governance process provides a context for the analysis of the ongoing
development of strategies to manage organizational knowledge and the evaluation of the
effectiveness of those strategies. Analysis of these strategies includes the evaluation
of the effectiveness of those strategies. KM governance is comprised of the processes
and principles that act as a framework to exercise authority that ensures the effectiveness
of strategies to manage organizational knowledge. In this case study, we will describe
the nature of the organization including size, spatial distribution, and resources avail-
able. We further discuss the organizational structure, nature of staffing, and the mode
of operation, giving insight and perspective on how these attributes impact strategic
planning and approach to KM. We describe the development of the current KM strategy
including a review of prior strategies and the motivating factors in the evolution of the
governance model of KM leadership. We specifically examine the understanding of and
strategies for the capture and dissemination of explicit knowledge and those employed
to harness and share tacit knowledge. Outcomes and current challenges that face the
organization are discussed in order to gain a closer understanding of the governance of
information and knowledge management and its operation at the Science and Technol-
ogy Development Organization (STDO).
We investigated how strategies to implement knowledge transfer are governed or
regulated at the STDO in Australia. The STDO is a research and development organiza-
tion with widely distributed staff working together across multiple sites. The breadth and
depth of research conducted by the STDO relies on sharing knowledge for innovation.
These factors underpin their organizational knowledge strategy and denote this orga-
nization as an interesting case to examine. Specifically, the KM strategy meets the needs
for the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge to fulfill organizational
objectives. The range of governance functions included a formal structure that both
informs and is informed by the KM strategy. This research sought to answer the following

  1. What are the governance mechanisms invoked to guide the implementation and
    ongoing management of KM strategies?

  2. Does the structure of an organization appear to impact the development, implemen-
    tation, and governance of a KM strategy?



The STDO was established in 1974 through the merger of the Australian “Opera-
tions” Scientific Service, the Services in-house Research and Development (R&D) units
and the Science Branch of the Department of “Operations.” These were located in
Melbourne and in Adelaide. It is now an independently operating concern within the
Australian Department of “Operations” but operationally autonomous of it. The mission
of the STDO is to ensure the expert, independent, and innovative application of science
and technology to Australia and to Australian national interests.

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