Case Studies in Knowledge Management

(Michael S) #1
Reserve Bank of New Zealand 223

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work” was found to be useful in terms of discussions with the senior management team
and in the development of individual business cases, at the grassroots level, people
wanted issues to be resolved. In removing the “knowledge management” label, more
credibility was able to be added to the initiative.

Specific Initiatives

The most significant knowledge management initiative to be undertaken at the Bank
was aimed at changing the organisational culture. The Bank recognised that although
this change had the mandate of the senior management group, it would require much more
than this. To facilitate the change, three key areas were identified. First, it was understood
that it required leadership by example. Shaping culture is critical to an organisation’s
ability to manage its knowledge more effectively (Gold, Malhotra, & Segars, 2001), and
an important aspect of culture is the vision that is presented from top-level management

Figure 4. Reserve Bank knowledge management strategies (adapted from Anand,

(should do)


  • Review data acquisition

  • XML enable external data feeds
    ¾ Build knowledge into standard operating procedures and

‰ Develop policies/standards & training programs for
document management and email usage
‰ Work with departments to review file classification and
handling of records/physical files
‰ Scan selected incoming correspondence
¾ Document lessons learned in formal manner
¾ Make corporate history more visible using timelines
o Implement the Learning and Development Project and
evaluate outcomes
o Assess job rotation, multi-department projects and
committees as part of development plans for all staff
o Develop communications strategy to support culture
o Continue with Leadership Project & evaluate outcomes
o Job evaluation, rewards and motivation initiatives

  • Grow info publishing and data analysis with DU

    • Standardise data storage

    • Develop data warehouse

‰ Work toward integrated KM system.
Start by reviewing document
management system and using this as
an opportunity to review KM
solutions available in marketplace.
‰ Web enable applications
™ Develop a bank wide contact
management system

  • Data warehouse pilot

  • Develop high level data map
    ™ Implement e-collaboration tools (project & chat rooms)
    ™ Develop a who’s who directory within the Bank
    ‰ Review Bank’s document scanning/OCR requirement

(could do)

  • Make structured data more accessible
    ‰ Make unstructured information more
    ™ Make knowledge held by people more
    ¾ Develop corporate memory
    o Develop the right culture


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