History of the Christian Church, Volume VII. Modern Christianity. The German Reformation.

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Charles Beard (Unitarian): The Reformation in its relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge.
Hibbert Lectures. London, 1883; 2d ed., 1885. Very able. German translation by F. Halverscheid.
Berlin, 1884.
John F. Hurst (Method. Bishop): Short History of the Reformation. New York, 1884 (125 pages).
Ludwig Keller: Die Reformation und die älteren Reformparteien. Leipz., 1885 (516 pages). In
sympathy with the Waldenses and Anabaptists.
Two series of biographies of the Reformers, by a number of German scholars the Lutheran series
in 8 vols., Elberfeld, 1861–’75, and the Reformed (Calvinistic) series in 10 vols., Elberfeld,
1857–’63. The Lutheran series was introduced by Nitzsch, the Reformed by Hagenbach. The
several biographies will be mentioned in the proper places.
(3) For the general history of the world and the church during and after the period of the Reformation,
the works of Leopold von Ranke (d. 1886) are of great importance, namely: Fürsten und Völker
von Südeuropa im 16. und 17. Jahrh. (Berlin 1827, 4th ed. enlarged 1877); Geschichten der
romanischen und germanischen Völker von 1494–1514 (3d ed. 1885); Die römischen Päpste,
ihre Kirche und ihr Staat im 16. und 17. Jahrh. (Berlin, 8th ed. 1885, 3 vols. Engl. trans. by
Sarah Austin, Lond. 4th ed. 1867, 3 vols.); Französische Geschichte im 16. und 17. Jahrh.
(Stuttgart, 1852, 4th ed. 1877, 6 vols.); Englische Geschichte vornehmlich im 16. u. 17. Jahrh.
(4th ed. 1877, 6 vols.; Engl. transl. publ. by the Clarendon Press); and especially his classical
Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation (Berlin, 1839–’43, 6th ed. 1880–’82, in 6
vols.; transl. in part by S. Austin, 1845–’47, 3 vols.). Ranke is a master of objective
historiography from the sources in artistic grouping of the salient points, and is in religious and
patriotic sympathy with the German Reformation; while yet he does full justice to the Catholic
church and the papacy as a great power in the history of religion and civilization. In his 85th
year he began to dictate in manly vigor a Universal History down to the time of Emperor Henry
IV. and Pope Gregory VII., 1881–86; to which were added 2 posthumous vols. by Dove and
Winter, 1888, 9 vols. in all. His library was bought for the University in Syracuse, N. Y.
For the general literature see Henry Hallam: Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th,
16th, and 17th Centuries. London, 1842, etc. N. York ed., 1880, in 4 vols.
II. Roman Catholic Works.
(1) The respective sections in the General Church Histories of Möhler (d. 1838, ed. from lectures
by Gams, Regensburg, 1867–1868, 3 vols.; the third vol. treats of the Reformation), Alzog
(10th ed. 1882, 2 vols.; Engl. transl. by Pabish and Byrne, Cincinnati, 1874 sqq., 3 vols.), Kraus
(2d ed. 1882), and Cardinal Hergenröther (third ed. 1885). Comp. also, in part, the Histories of
the Council of Trent by Sarpi (d. 1623), and Pallavicini (d. 1667).
(2) Thuanus (De Thou, a moderate Catholic, d. 1617); Historiarum sui Temporis libri 138. Orleans
(Geneva), 1620 sqq., 5 vols. fol. and London, 1733, 7 vols. fol.; French transl. London, 1734,
16 vols. 4to. Goes from 1546 to 1607.
Louis Maimbourg (Jesuit, d. at Paris, 1686): Histoire du Lutheranisme Paris, 1680; Histoire du
Calvinisme, 1682. Controversial, and inspired by partisan zeal; severely handled by R. Bayle
in his Critique générale de l’histoire du Calvinisme de M., Amsterd., 1684.
Bp. Bossuet (d. 1704): Histoire des variations des églises protestantes. Paris, 1688, 2 vols. and later
edd., also in his collected works, 1819 sqq. and 1836 sqq. English transl., Dublin, 1829, 2 vols.
German ed. by Mayer, Munich. 1825, 4 vols. A work of great ability, but likewise polemical

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