Historical Abstracts

(Chris Devlin) #1
Walter Wymer
Professor, University of Lethbridge, Canada.
Sharyn Rundle-Thiele
Associate Professor, Griffith University, Australia.

Ethics, Sustainability, and Corporate Social

Responsibility in Canadian Undergraduate

Business Curricula

The authors examine the course offerings of undergraduate
business programs in Canada to better understand the depth and
breadth of this educational system’s inclusion of (1) ethics, (2)
sustainability, and (3) social responsibility courses. Dispersion of these
courses across universities will be examined as well as depth of these
courses by universities.
Research questions include: How well integrated into the curricula
are these courses? Are these courses distributed somewhat evenly
across universities or are they concentrated into specific universities
that have a greater emphasis on these topics? How do the Canadian
programs compare to American business programs with respect to their
coverage of these courses?

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