affects–emotions (innate schemes) and powerful general-purpose innate re-
sources (hidden operators, such as those that constitute mental attention).
There are also a few simple (largely sensorial–perceptual) innate cognitive
schemes. With this equipment, development proceeds via the interaction be-
tween affective goals and cognitive appraisals of experience, made possible
by both the organismic hidden operators and the reality constraints. These
cognitive appraisals become embodied in the form of new schemes. Af-
fects–emotions set the direction development might take by valuing or reject-
ing action possibilities opened by actual situations. Cognition unfolds devel-
opmentally to mediate between the affective–emotion directions (conation)
and the constraints of external reality.
Preparation of this chapter was supported by a grant awarded to the authors
by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. We
thank Drs. L. S. Greenberg and P. Roosen-Runge for comments on the chap-
ter, and A. Calvo and C. Pascual-Leone for help in preparing figures.
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