frontation of different and opposite groups (or individuals).
Hate is spawned in the very fact of their being different
and opposite. There is a natural predisposition for this to
occur, and knowing this fact leads toward partial solutions
of the problem.
There are three obvious solutions to the hate
which results because individuals, groups or nations are
different and, to a substantial degree, opposite:
( 1) Know that being different and opposite
does not always, and need not ever, cause hate.
(2) Seek, recognize and emphasize similar-
(3) Tolerate differences.
Those three actions would at least provide a
beginning toward de-escalating the epidemic of hate which
now so completely engulfs us.
But it would be only a beginning. There are
so many hates, for so many reasons, among so many indi-
viduals, groups and nations, that this brief chapter can only
point out the existence of their epidemic proportions and
the seriousness of the result. Since it is the purpose of this
book only to provide the subject matter for stimulated
thought and to encourage each reader to pursue such
thoughts to his own conclusions, it is proper to leave this
problem with you for you to think about and to act upon
to the extent you choose. And so I turn it over to you-
with this final suggestion:
An epidemic of hate cannot exist in an atmos-
phere of good will. Perhaps our first task must be the
creation-somehow-or a deep, sincere, all-pervading at-