Chapter 23
The Gentle Art Of Letting Alone
Having retired at the rather early age of fifty
so that I could devote my full time to helping others, I have
undertaken numerous projects, which it is not the purpose
of this book to describe-except one, which follows.
I have been interested in exploring the ques-
tion of why people-almost all of us-get involved in so
much unpleasantness, so many problems, so much trouble.
It seems to be a natural human failing.
I started by analyzing, insofar as I could re-
member, my own past propensity for becoming involved
in unpleasantness, problems and all sorts of difficulties,
small, medium and large. To my own half-century of trou-
ble-involvement, I added that of many other people whom
I have known or read about. So my "sample", as researchers
would call it, was quite large and adequately diversified-
at least sufficient to provide some helpful conclusions which
I now would like to share with you.