memories, supplemented by photographs, picture post
cards, descriptive folders, menus of outstanding restaurants
where you have dined, even match-book covers and other
mementos. Keep these in a big scrapbook where you can
browse at random, recalling the happy events of the past
which the Hight of years otherwise would have erased.
Then consciously, deliberately, make pleasant
memories which you can deposit frequently in your scrap-
book Memory Bank. Go to interesting, unusual, memorable
places. Do interesting, unusual, memorable things. Meet
and talk with interesting and memorable people. Or write
to them with a question on the subject on which each is
an authority.
By doing those things you will make many
pleasant memories to enjoy as you travel life's way. Most
important of all, you will store up treasures to count again
and again during those long, vacant hours which too often
make up our later years. Your own Memory Bank will turn
empty old age into a full, joyous sunset of life!