Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

Remember, your resentment doesn't hurt the
person against whom you harbor the resentment. It hurts
only you. So why deliberately hurt yourself? Mentally
punching pin-holes in some other person's picture doesn't
hurt him or her the least bit-and, sooner or later, you will
stick yourself. H you can't love your enemies, at least love
yourself enough that you won't let your enemies control
your happiness, your disposition and your health.

So, when a resentment-situation arises-ignore
it and forget it. Don't take yourself too seriously-and don't
take other people and the irritating things they sometimes
do, too seriously, either. Just think of something else. Your
mind cannot hold two different thoughts at the same
time, so concentrate on anything but your budding re-
sentment. Keep busy. Lose yourself in work or active
play. If resentment insists on intruding, just laugh in its
face and mentally say to it, "Go away, boy, I'm busy,
don't bother me!" Be too big to be resentful.

Adopt the philosophy of our late President
Dwight Eisenhower: "Never waste a minute thinking about
anyone you don't like."

But suppose a resentment has already taken
root. How do you get 1'id of it? You will find that the
methods of avoiding resentment described on the preced-
ing pages will also help you get rid of established resent-
ment. Most people accept their having some resentments
as a natural part of life. It is only when they recognize
resentments as persistent causes of unhappiness ( and
worse I ) that they determine to rid themselves of their
present resentments and to avoid all resentments in the

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