Chapter 33
TALI{! ... A Way To Health
Probably this chapter should be more accurately
titled: "TALK I ... A Way To Mental and Emotional
Health." Obviously, you cannot talk your way out of
cancer or any primarily physical disease-and those cults
and pseudo-curative professions are doing their believers a
fatal disservice by encouraging faith in any other than the
best possible treatment for each disease.
Thus haVing, I hope, warned against trying to
apply a single cure to all illnesses, I want to discuss the
amazing curative power of just talking. And, I want to
start by explaining my use in the heading of this chapter
of the word "health" instead of limiting it to "mental and
emotional health",
First, to avoid repetition, let's consider "mental"
and "emotional" as being mutually inclusive and use the
word "mental" for both. (Many leading psychiatrists do.)
Next, let's understand that no disease is ex-
clusively mental or physical, but a combination of varying