Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

nearby, a mother with her little girl, often passed it on
their daily walks. As they passed Lincoln's home, the
mother told her little girl about the greatness of Lincoln's
presidential years and how much his life bestowed upon
this nation.
Then, instead of passing Lincoln's home in day-
light, .the mother and her little girl happened to pass by
one night. As was proper for a national shrine, the lights
were aglow in every room. The little girl cried excitedly,
"Look, Mother, look! Mr. Lincoln left the lights on!"
Yes, little girl, Mr. Lincoln did, indeed, leave
the lights on! He left the lights on all over the world-to
light our way toward freedom and equality and brother-
hood for all men ... everywhere!
Lincoln's life fulfilled the promise of history-
when it got darkest, the stars came out.

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