Do you have an enemy? Then, if you have the
courage (and the ability to defend yourseH), laugh at himl
There is nothing which so completely demoralizes an ad-
versary more than being laughed at.
The only way to accept an insult is to laugh
at it. (If you can't laugh at it, it probably is deserved.)
You can see from the foregoing that laughter
is a weapon. A sure effective weapon. So never use the
weapon of laughter by laughing at a friend. Only laugh
with others, to join with them, to add your laughter to
theirs. Only laugh at your enemies (knowing that they will
then remain your enemies).
But mostly use your weapon of laughter to
demolish your own undesirable personality traits: fear,
anxiety, gloom, seH-pity, resentment, hypersensitivity and
all the raggle-taggle mob of disagreeable thoughts waiting
to move into your mind the first time there is a vacancy. So
keep those mental vacancies filled with laughter. When-
ever your mind is not occupied with happy, positive, crea-
tive thoughts, fill it with quiet laughter-smile with your
eyes (and with your entire face, when appropriate) and
say over and over again quietly to yourseH... "Hal...
Hal! ... Hall!" You (and everybody you know) will be
amazed-and delighted-at the magic transformation of
your personality when you begin to live with laughter!
It won't be magic, really. It will be simply that
you have learned to use the delightfully devastating power
of laughter so that you no longer take yourseH too seriously.