makes an unfavorable personality impression on others.
This involuntary habit can quickly be cured and bene-
u.cial relaxation restored by the "Negative Practice" of con-
sciously and deliberately clenching one's fists repeatedly,
and then consciously opening and relaxing the hands. This
same conscious "Negative Practice" can be used to elimi-
nate unconscious muscular tension in all parts of the body.
It is the most recommended and practiced form of relaxa-
tion therapy.
One note of warning. "Negative Practice"
should NOT be used to eliminate habits where deliberate
excess would be dangerous-such as drug addiction and
Otherwise, start now to eliminate any undesir-
able habits by the simple use of the proven psychological
technique of "Negative Practice". The results are so fast
and sure that it will be an enjoyable and rewarding expe-