Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

This cure-all for just about whatever ails you,
also is highly effective in curing poverty. Its curative pow-
ers are recorded in many impressive testimonials. Let's
consider a few cases of poor people:

For example, poor Andrew Carnegie. What?
Andrew Carnegie, poor? Why he was the greatest steel
tycoon I He made so many millions he couldn't give his
money away fast enough, even though he endowed free
public libraries in cities all over this nation. Well, Andrew
Carnegie was so poor he had to start work at $4.00 a month!

Note the preceding words: "start work", for
hard work was Carnegie's cure for his poverty-honest,
concentrated, hard work. He said so himself: "Concen-
tration is my motto-first honesty, then industry (hard
work), then concentration". So as we seek to eliminate
poverty, let us not overlook the advice of the man who
started work at $4.00 a month and by honest, concentrated
hard work became one of the richest of all.
John D. Rockefeller, who later became one of
the richest men in the world, started working for $6.00 a
week And Henry Ford started working for $2.50 a week
Their fortunes were the result of hard work-as almost all
great fortunes are.

I have devoted a lifetime to the study of suc-
cess; not just financial success, but how people, under all
sorts of conditions, were able to attain their goals in life.
r have three personal libraries of books on the subject.
So r can save your having to do a lot of research on success
by assuring you that the only sure way to succeed is by
hard work.
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