Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

There is no way to describe the scope and
extent of hope, for hope is an essential ingredient of
everything from a desired increase in pay... to the
spiritual longing for eternal fellowship with God. Hope
is IN everything. There are those who say that hope IS

He who gives HOPE gives relief from discour-
agement, anxiety and depression. That, alone, is reason
enough to give HOPE. But, he who gives HOPE, also
gives motivation to strive for the results hoped for. Hope
breaks the bonds of inertia and starts people toward
So, by all means, give HOPE to everyone who
needs it! Give HOPE to all who need hope, giving it not
as a means of exploiting them or organizing them for your
selfish gains-but give HOPE to alleviate discouragement,
anxiety and despair. Give HOPE to stimulate inspiration,
to activate motivation and to spur achievementl

Having considered the effects of HOPE on
individuals and groups, let's explore the tremendous en-
couragement of HOPE in the advancement of nations-
and the dangers of lack of HOPE in international relations.
A nation is like a person. A nation is like a
group. In fact, a nation simply is a composition of individ-
uals and groups-and it reacts in much the same manner to
hope or the lack of it. If we would make another nation
our friend, we must offer that nation hope of achieving
its national objectives through its friendship with us. And
we must do it convincingly. Unfortunately, our nation,
which has developed the art of selling (of convincing) to
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