Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 67

Stay In The Eye Of The Hurricane

A hurricane is a system of terrific winds rotat-
ing in a huge circle many miles in diameter. The force of
the winds sometimes exceeds 100 miles an hour and results
in great damage and destruction. With its accompanying
deluge of rain, its flashing lightning and roaring thunder,
a hurricane is a terrifying experience.
Except ...
If you could stay in the center of the circle of
whirling winds, in the "eye" of the hurricane, you would
be in an area of great calm I And that is the point of this
brief chapter. From time to time, you will experience the
personal storms which are a natural-and, apparently, a
necessary-part of each life. Sometimes these personal
storms will be of hurricane velocity. They could destroy
you physically, mentally, emotionally.
Unless ...
Unless you can find the calm center of each
personal storm-the "eye" of your own hurricane-and stay

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