Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

the size and shape of the jug shaped and limited the size
of the pumpkin.
It is better to be a man of small abilities with
a big plan, than to be a man of great abilities with a small
If you would be a leader, know this: People
will not follow a leader who cannot tell them where he is
going and who cannot show them a feasible plan for getting
Without a step-by-step plan, you cannot judge
progress. If you cannot show progress, you cannot prove
achievement. If you cannot prove achievement, you can-
not inspire enthusiasm. And if you cannot inspire enthus-
iasm-who needs you?
If you would be a leader, you must point to a
worthy goal-to a Promised Land. And so we recall that
great old story of Moses, leading his people for forty years
through the wilderness to the Promised Land. His people
followed him for forty years, because beyond the wilder-
ness, Moses had a goal and always he pOinted toward it.
He taught the lesson which is eternally true for every great
leader-he must point to a Promised LandI
Yes, you must have a worthy goal. And to
reach that goal you must have a plan. But, like the pumpkin
at the beginning of this chapter, the size of your plan will
determine the size of your future.
How big a pumpkin will you be?

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