It is the psychology of acceptance of the inevit-
able. It is being willing to have it so, if it cannot be
There are so many circumstances and events
of life which we can neither understand nor change. We
are bewildered by the unevenhandedness of fate and be-
come suspicious that its dice are loaded as we daily roll
them in the game of life.
Yet the universe of which we are such a minus-
cule part is, itself, infinitely perfect precision and balance.
The knowledge that we are a part of such infinite perfection
should provide foundation for our faith.
And it is in that environment of eternal and
absolute perfection that we must realize our being-and
accept that which we cannot change, and often do not
Because, it is only through acceptance that
we can transcend the inevitable difficulties and tragedies
which otherwise would wreck us.
Let us be pragmatic, if we must, and submit
to acceptance of what cannot be changed, because that is
the only way to peace of mind and spirit in a troubled
But if we can, let us do better than just be
pragmatic. Let us, through faith that exceeds under-
standing, place our acceptance on the altar of Infinity, not
as a sacrifice, but as a token of belief.
Having found the means, through acceptance,
of transcending difficulties and tragedies which inevitably
are a part of life, having assured ourselves of survival from