The thoughts-or beginnings of thoughts-con-
tained in this book are deliberately incomplete and, hope-
fully, provocative as you continue along each partial
This is a book of THOUGHTS TO BUILD
ON. It is not intended to do your thinking for you.
Each brief chapter has brought you a different
thought-or, at least, a different viewpoint on an idea
which is so interwoven in life that it insists on re-occurring.
Thus, each chapter has been totally unrelated to the pre-
ceding and following chapters. You can read this book
forward, backward, start in the middle or anywhere. You
are set free to ponder each thought briefly... or ~pass it
by ... or think about it as deeply and as long as you wish.
No effort has been made to win your agree-
ment. In fact, your disagreement would be welcomed as
evidence that this book has· accomplished its purpose of
stimulating thought.
While this is a chair-side book, and its author
hopes you will keep it there when it is not otherwise in
use, it can be used to rewardingly fill those brief empty
spaces of time too often wasted idly, while you are com-
muting or waiting.
It will give you an unlimited variety of
THOUGHTS TO BUILD ON... and give you plenty
of room to do your own thinking ..
For... "As a man THINKETH -so IS he."