to those of you whose fear is all too real-so real, so definite,
that its terror haunts you day and night-and is surely,
methodically tearing you to pieces! Relax, we'll soon get
rid of itl Open fears are easily eliminated. It's the hidden
fears, the disguised fears, which cause the most trouble.
But only because they are hidden. So let's go on a fear-
Each of us has, as you know, a conscious mind
which gives us our awareness of everything around us,
does our conscious reasoning and is subject to our personal
direction and will.
Also, as you know, each of us has a subcon-
scious mind which functions at a much deeper level and
which not only operates our bodily activities (our heart-
beat, breathing and all the rest of our complicated bodi!y
mechanisms), but also-because it is a part of the all-
powerful Universal Mind which runs the whole universe-
actually brings into reality our self-image (what we have
led it to believe we really want to be).
Of course, the foregoing descriptions of our
conscious and subconscious minds are greatly over-sim-
plified. I just want to identify them because it is in our
subconscious minds that we are going to conduct our fear-
If our fears were in our conscious minds-and
some of them are-we would have no trouble recognizing
them and, as described later, eliminating them. But when
our fears have been implanted in our mysterious subcon-
scious minds, they are either deeply hidden or strangely.
disguised. We therefore have to dig them out, rip away